Career Profile

Strong engineering professional skilled in software development, security and DevOps with a Master of Science focused in Information Technology from Carnegie Mellon University.


DevOps Engineer

Jan 2017 - Present
Apple Inc., Sunnyvale, CA

I have been working as a DevOps inside Online Store team and dealing with process management, tooling migration/maintenance and building automation in general. More details will come after some time.

Research Assistant

Sep 2015 - Jan 2017
Rize University, Rize, Turkey

Due to the fact that I was a scholar of Turkish government during my graduate study at CMU, I had to fulfill a service in return after finishing my program. This fulfillment was assigned to me as a service at a university. Therefore, I was a research assistant at Computer & Instructional Technology department in Faculty of Education at Rize University.

I contributed to many daily tasks and implemented some automation scripts to overcome these. These tasks included planning, scheduling and organizing midterm and final exam sessions in the faculty for a given limited time and resource like classrooms and staff. I developed a web application which had a scheduling logic built with Laravel framework as a proof of concept but the project was not funded.

In addition, I developed a cross-platform mobile application for an international symposium held at the university. Apart from these, I was also a teaching assistant in several classes such as Introduction to Programming, DBMS and Hands On: Google Services

Research Assistant

Sep 2014 - Feb 2015
NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA

I was a research assistant at NASA Ames Research projects when I was studying at CMU. While developing a plugin for a simulation tool, I also completed my practicum project with NASA apart from my assistantship.


Software Engineering Intern

Jun 2014 - Sep 2014
Quixey, Mountain View, CA

I was a part of DevOps team during my internship and initiated an auditing tool for auditing production cloud configurations. As the lord commander of the project, knowing nothing, I successfully finished the initial version of the project, Night's Watch.

Software Developer

Sep 2012 - Jun 2013
Open Business Software Solutions, Istanbul, Turkey

As an outsource developer, I participated in developing enterprise applications for telecommunication and banking companies. The two projects I was involved in during my work were Turkcell Mobile Sales Force Automation (MSFA) and Enterprise Brokerage System (EBS).


I have started working on software projects and systems since I was undergraduate sophomore. Hence, I have been able to participate in a wide variety type and scale of projects some of which are not listed in this page.

NASA Trust-Based Publication Recommendation System - Practicum project for graduate study managed and used internally by NASA. The tool recommends authors and publications based on their trust score given the topic/field. The score is calculated according to the citation, credibility and popularity of the publications. I took part in:

Design, development and integration of publication recommendation system based on trust values between authors in computer science field

ETL process for DBLP dataset which consists of all publication metadata in computer science since 1980

Implementation of the backend system that processes these metadata and serves it restfully

Implementation of the frontend system that visualises trustiness and relevance of authors and publications

Utilization of technologies and tools such as Eclipse, Play Framework, Github, MySql, D3 Framework and XML


JKIND Eclipse Plugin - Eclipse plugin that integrates PKind tool which is an SMT-based checker for Lustre models, that is intended for simulating flight trajectories for NASA. I was involved in:

Focus on support for PKind in Eclipse using Java API equivalances of PKind, namely as JKind

Integrating JKind with Eclipse to utilize the tool through UI elements

Utilizing languages, technologies and tools such as Eclipse, Java, JFreeChart and Bitbucket


Night's Watch - Security auditing tool aimed for preventing incident-prone configurations for production environment. My responsibilities included:

Development of initial phase of production security automation console that audits and alerts operations team in case of predefined security violations on Amazon Web Services

Focus on EC2 Security Groups and IAM Roles and creating logical connection and relation between teams and projects in the company and also exposing the resources and policies that are correlated with both functional teams and individual employees

Utilizing languages, technologies and tools such as Python, Boto, Flask, MySQL, Jenkins, Puppet and Github


Twitter Analytics Web Service Project - Term project for Cloud Computing class that focuses on big data and cloud technologies. I participated in:

Design, integration and optimization of MySQL and HBase databases in order to facilitate analytics

Design and conduct of Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process for both databases

Implementation of Hadoop jobs for enhanced ETL

Usage of many AWS technologies such as EC2, S3, EMR, DynamoDB and Load Balancing by utilizing Python and Java API for AWS


Enterprise Brokerage System (EBS) - Intermediary insurance policy retail system that is established between insurance companies and end users. I was mostly involved in:

Design, development and integration of many insurance products such as auto, health, travel and property insurances to support our client’s day-to-day business operations

Design, development and integration of services which communicates or serves internally and externally in a logically-discrete, multi-layered system

Object-Oriented design, development and maintenance of these modules by employing various technologies and tools such as Java (J2EE), Graymound, Hibernate, Oracle PL/SQL and JBoss Application Server

Utilization of other technologies and tools such as Eclipse, JUnit, Oracle, SOAP, SoapUI, HTTP, JAXB, Log4J and SVN


Turkcell Mobile Sales Force Automation (MSFA) - Server-side mobile application that is built mainly with J2EE and Primefaces. I was responsible for:

Design, development and integration of 'Risks Module' to support our client’s day-to-day business operations

Object-Oriented design and development of this module by employing leading technologies and tools such as Java (J2EE), PrimeFaces, XML and Web Logic Server

Quality assurance and change management of this module

Utilization of other technologies and tools such as Eclipse, JUnit, Oracle and Clear Case


Skills & Proficiency

Java & J2EE


Linux & UNIX

Programming & OOP

Ansible & Docker